Price based on a minimum of 2 passengers. Discount available for large groups.
Binoculars (recommended)
Insect Repellent
Flashlight (recommended)
Lightweight Clothing
Swimsuit (optional)
Good walking Shoes/Boots
If you have any questions before booking a tour, don't hesitate to reach out. One of our team members will be in touch right away.
The Amazon basin contains a great variety of microhabitats and ecosystems over 600 species of birds make these their home. With all the necessary facilities and knowledgeable guides, this expedition gives you the opportunity to see many of them. We’ve designed our tour to observe them in their natural habitat while giving you all the comfort of the city of El Coca.
After a 30-minute commercial flight, our specialized bird guide will meet you at the airport and take you to the Hotel el Auca where you check in. Once settled your guide will give you an introduction and safety instructions during the tour. After lunch, we’ll head to the Botanical Garden Moretal where you can observe several species that live in the city such as White-eared Jacamar, Black-fronted Nunbird, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker. From here we’ll continue to the Malecón where we’ll travel by canoe to Yasuní Land. Here we’ll have the opportunity to experience a bird’s eye view from the 35-meter (115-foot) tall tower. Roughly 90 colorful species such as Double-toothed Kite, Spectacled Owl, Speckled Chachalaca, and the Roadside Hawk have been spotted here. In the evening we’ll take a night walk to view some of the nocturnal birds in the area. Finally we returned to the hotel for dinner.
04:00 am breakfast will be served afterward, we’ll depart for Taracoa Lagoon, where we’ll bird watch by both land and water around the lagoon and from canoes.
In the afternoon we’ll visit the Limoncocha lagoon; home to more than 280 species. Limoncocha is considered one of the most prominent wetlands in the region and a paradise for lagoon birds such as Herons, Cardinal, Flycatchers, Tanagers, Toucans and more.
Return and dinner.
After breakfast you will be able to enjoy the green areas of the hotel and get your luggage ready for the transfer to the airport.
Amazon Travel Tours is an Ecuadorian Tourism Agency dedicated to providing top-quality tourism services. We employ highly trained and bilingual naturalists guides certified by the Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Environment (MAE)
In Coca, Ecuador (Francisco de Orellana).
Crossroads: Amazonas and Espejo under the Hotel Safari in front of the Marina (Malecon)